Receive usable blastocysts* equal to, or exceeding, egg lots purchased. Or, we’ll provide an additional egg lot at no charge.
Although the Assured Refund Plan requires a medical review to determine eligibility, approximately 96% of applicants qualify. There is no financial obligation until you are approved for the plan.
If you will be using a gestational carrier, but have yet to select one, you can still start creating embryos as soon as semen analysis and your pre-qualified approval are completed. For all other recipients, if you have met the requirements of the Assured Refund Plan but have not had a mock or pilot cycle, you may be accepted on a contingent basis.
Clients who intend to select embryos for family balancing, who want to use surgically retrieved sperm, and/or who do not plan to thaw all the eggs in a cycle will not be considered for the Assured Refund Plan.